“此地无银三百两打”,其直译表达为“There exist no concealed three hundred taels of silver at this spot”,这一成语生动描绘了一种情境——某人在试图掩盖事实时,却无意间揭示了自己的秘密,即所谓的“过分辩解反显其伪”(An overeager attempt to deny guilt betrays one’s culpability),可意译成“A transparent coverup that inadvertently exposes the truth”。


你的这番言辞岂非正是“此地无银三百两打”之举?Your statement serves as an unwitting disclosure, doesn’t it?

企图以此遮掩真相实则是“此地无银三百两打”,人们不久便会察觉到是你的过错所致。By attempting to hide the facts, you’ve essentially resorted to “there being no hidden three hundred taels of silver here”, and it is evident that people will swiftly discern your error.
