


大于一天的,用in跟week搭配,一般说,in this week, on the weekend。

1、 介词on用在时间上,表示某一具体的时间前面(常表达某一天),如:on Sunday morning ,on july ,25.

2、 介词in用在时间上,表示在某一特定时间里,或者某段时间之后,如:in the morning,in a week.

3、介词at用在在时间上,是用某一点时间前面,如:at six o clock.


时间介词三兄弟, in on at分清记:

年月周前要用in, 日子前面却不用;

遇到几号要用on, 上午下午又是in;

要说某日上下午, 用on换in才能行;

子夜黄昏用at, 黎明用它也不错;

at用于时分前, 兄仨各有习惯配;

灵活运用是关键, 不得生搬和硬套。



1.用于钟点前。如:at ten o’clock, at a quarter to six

2.用于时刻前。如:at noon/night/midnight(半夜), at sunrise(日出时), at dusk(黄昏), at dawn/daybreak (黎明)

We will leave at daybreak.我们将在黎明时动身。

3.用于表示进餐时间。如:at breakfast/lunch/supper(在早餐时/午餐时/晚餐时)

He drinks tea at breakfast.他在早餐时饮茶。

4.用于表示年龄时。如:at 14 (=at the age of 14在14岁)

He left home at the age of 16.他十六岁离开了家。

5.用于一些固定短语或习惯搭配中。如:at Christmas, at New Year, at Thanksgiving(感恩节), at the Spring Festival, at midsummer(仲夏), at the beginning/end of last month, at the moment/ at that time, at this time of day, at a bad time of year, at first(起初), at last(终于)


1.用于星期、日期(包括该天的各部分)前。如:on Sundays/weekdays, on Monday morning / afternoon / evening

I m flying home on Sunday afternoon.我星期四下午乘飞机回家。

【温馨提示】“在周末”既可以说at weekends,也可以说on weekends。如:

I often go fishing on/ at weekends.我经常在周末去钓鱼。

2.用于morning/afternoon/evening/night/day前,此时这类名词前多有修饰语或带有of等引起的后置修饰语,指具体的或不具体的某一日。如:on a cold afternoon, on the night of October 1, 1997, on the first day, on his birthday, on Friday afternoon, on the eve of victory(胜利前夕)

The story happed on the night of October 25,1980.故事发生在1980年10月25日深夜。

3.用于公共节假日前。如:on Teachers’ Day,on Christmas Day/Eve,on National Day


at New Year(在新年期间) at Christmas (在圣诞节期间)

on New Year’s Day(在元旦那天) on Christmas Day (在圣诞节)


1.用于泛指一天的上午、下午、傍晚等。如:in the morning/afternoon/evening/night

2.用于某个较长的时间,像世纪、朝代、年、月、季节等。如:in March, in spring, in 1997, in the twenty-first century(在二十一世纪), in one’s fifties(在某人50多岁时)


She’ll see me again in a week’s time.一周后她再来看我。

I can draw a beautiful horse in five minutes.我可以在五分钟内画好一匹好看的马。

There are seven days in a week.一周有七天。



We’re going to work on a farm next Sunday.下个星期天,我们要去农场劳动。

They visited the Great Wall last year.去年他们参观了长城。

2.在today, tomorrow, yesterday, the day before yesterday, the day after tomorrow, tomorrow night等之前不用介词。如:

Are you free tomorrow night? 明晚你有空吗?

Where did you go the day before yesterday? 前天你去哪儿了?

